How do I get an element by ID or Class in Blazor?

Blazor doesn’t manipulate the DOM directly at C# side. You can call the JavaScript method by using JavaScript Interop to get an element by ID or class.  [Index.razor] [_Host.cshtml] Refer to “Call JavaScript functions from .NET methods in ASP.NET Core Blazor” for more details. 

How can I turn off “info” logging in the browser console from HttpClients in Blazor?

Configure the logger in the builder in the Program.Main configuration file. Add a package reference for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration to the Blazor app’s project file using the NuGet package manager. Now, add the namespace as Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to Program.cs and add the builder logging configuration. This configuration will prevent the logging info in the browser console. [Program.cs] Refer to “Logging configuration” for more details.

How do I install Blazor in Visual Studio 2019?

Follow the below steps to install Blazor in Visual Studio 2019. Prerequisite: .NET Core SDK 3.1.8/.NET 5.0 SDK Visual Studio 2019 (Preview 4 or later) with the ASP.NET and Web development workload added. (This workload includes a Blazor template by default when installing Visual Studio 2019). Install the latest Blazor Extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace. This step makes Blazor templates available to Visual Studio 2019. For steps to install Visual studio 2019, refer to the “Install Visual Studio” article.