How do I install Blazor WebAssembly templates?
To get started with Blazor WebAssembly, install the latest version of the .NET Core SDK. The latest version of the .NET Core SDK installs the Blazor WebAssembly template by default. If you need to install the Blazor WebAssembly template manually, follow this documentation.
How do I check the framework version?
Using C# conditional preprocessor directives and predefined constants, you can check the Blazor target framework version. For example, if the framework targets .NET 6.0, or latest version the code is compiled only in that specified condition. Follow these steps to check the Blazor target framework version. [Index.razor]
How do I push data and update the UI from the server to the browser in Blazor?
By calling the StateHasChanged() method in Blazor, you can receive notifications about state changes and trigger component re-rendering to push the changes to the browser using SignalR. An example that illustrates this functionality is the Counter component. In this example, the component automatically pushes incremented count data using the Timer function and updates the UI in the browser by invoking the StateHasChanged() method within the InvokeAsync action. [Counter.razor] Refer to this link for more details.
How do you use the HttpContext object in Blazor server-side to retrieve information about the user or user agent?
Use HttpContext through the IHttpContextAccessor interface to get the user agent details in a Blazor Server application. The following example demonstrates how to use HttpContext to get the user agent and IP address details by default. Extend the AddHttpContextAccessor() method in the Program.cs file. [Program.cs] [Index.razor] Refer to this link for more details.
Why are Blazor lifecycle methods getting executed twice?
In a Blazor Server app, the default RenderMode is Server Prerendered. When the component is rendering with the ServerPrerendered render mode, the component is initially rendering statically as part of the page. On executing the first time, it is rendered as an MVC component directly when the page is requested and handled by “_Host” which is specified in “_Host.cshtml”. Then the resources are loaded with the blazor.server.js script and start rendering a second time. Then the Razor pages are loaded as a Blazor component. Note: If you are changing the RenderMode to Server, the lifecycle method executes only once. [Pages/_Host.cshtml] Refer to this link for details.