Darker Energy, Inc., owner Chris Taylor takes pride in his company’s ability to offer specialized products that serve a variety of industries, whether it’s an important tool for high-integrity aerospace or a phone app.
Darker Energy needed to make Xamarin-native mobile apps alongside a web app and associated Amazon AWS serverless resources. The project’s goal was to enable the customer’s teams to perform inspections at specific geographic locations while preserving evidence chains and producing reports. Each team member needed to be able to schedule appointments for these inspections in an iCalendar-compatible manner.
Chris was drawn to the ability to develop across desktop, mobile, and web using one set of components. The Syncfusion suite offered prebuilt but customizable software components that could be fitted into the project. The Schedule control, for example, provided iCalendar-compatible scheduling functionality across both the Xamarin apps and web portal, saving a considerable amount of time while ensuring a consistent user experience across the many facets of the product. When challenges integrating controls arose, Syncfusion’s support team was able to help.
“Syncfusion tech support is truly outstanding. [They] always go the extra mile to research issues and supply working custom examples,” said Chris.
Darker Energy, Inc., was able to create a fully featured, complex product that met the needs of their customer while saving time and resources. The flexibility of Syncfusion’s Xamarin control suite proved vital to their success, and it will continue to help them meet their goals in the future.
- Saved time.
- Saved resources.
- Enabled features across all targeted platforms.