Ralph Corigliano, CEO of Executive Support Systems, Inc., was facing challenges finding the right tools to use for his company’s projects. That is when he came across Syncfusion.
Challenge and Solution
If you’ve ever held sand in your hands, you know how quickly it can slip through your fingertips. Like sand, time slips away from us too quickly to catch.
And since time slips away so quickly, most of us don’t like our time being wasted. With all the time spent opening a Word document, filling it out by hand, and then saving that file to a PDF, it is no wonder why CEO Ralph Corigliano of Executive Support Systems, Inc., was looking for a solution.
“I was facing challenges in finding a solid DOCX-to-PDF converter that integrates well with the Open XML document object model,” said Corigliano. His company also needed an easy-to-use tool that has memory streaming in C# and an accurate document-to-PDF converter. They had been searching, but they could not find a tool that fit the bill.
That is, until they found Syncfusion’s Essential PDF File Format. They can now seamlessly convert a Word document to a PDF without wasting as much time. Thanks to Syncfusion’s fast and easy-to-use Essential PDF, Executive Support Systems, Inc., quickly tracks inventory and sales without worrying about it being too time consuming.
For them, the grains of sand are now slipping away a little less quickly.
- Saved 25 hours of time.
- Easy-to-use tools.
- Accurate document-to-PDF converter.