Customer success stories that pique your interest
Read inspiring case studies about how Syncfusion® components and frameworks helped developers solve complex business problems, save money, and build high-performance, robust applications.
Trusted by the world’s leading companies

Stunning UIs with Syncfusion® Themes and Controls
Almost everyone has owned a device on which there are files or folders that cannot be altered or deleted. For people who want control over their machin...
Managing Your Payroll Records with Essential® XlsIO
Matt Fara has been using Syncfusion, Inc. Essential Studio Enterprise Edition for the WinRT and .NET 4.5 platforms for more than 6 months. Fara originally heard...
Essential XlslO
OtherMeet tight deadlines while maintaining a rich feature set with Essential Studio® for Vue
Matt Eland, an instructor at Tech Elevator, began during the pandemic to help new developers track and share their side projects with the com...
Reaching for Higher Goals with Syncfusion®
Syncfusion provides us with strong, solid, and safe tools capable of saving us hundreds of hours in development.
File Formats
Software and TechnologyFitting the Budget with Syncfusion® Report Platform
KRESS Employment Screening is a small business in Texas, and its development team...
Report Platform
Software and TechnologyManipulating Excel Workbooks in a Windows Store App
PrepYourData is a software company devoted to helping its clients analyze and simplify their data in a productive and timely fashion.
Software and TechnologyModern JavaScript Controls for Modern Projects
What Lukas Eck loves most about his job at Remec AG is being part of a small, eclectic team of developers who work well together.
Software and TechnologyReceive Up-to-Date Trading Information Using the Syncfusion® Grid Control
Lava Trading provides innovative technology and high-performing trade solutions for the largest securities trading firms. The company places a high value on spe...
Grid Control
Software and TechnologyWinning Together with Syncfusion®
As many remember, it can be a challenge to create a quality project on a student (i.e. nonexistent) budget. Deshan Kuruvita-Aratchy was left scouring G...
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Greatness—it’s one thing to say you have it, but it means more when others recognize it. Syncfusion® is proud to hold the following industry awards.