Customer success stories that pique your interest

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Developing Skills with Syncfusion®

Praveen Godishala needed Syncfusion's ASP.NET MVC components to help him create an application.


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Exceed expectations with high-quality BI applications

Pedro Hernandez, CEO of Peopleworks, SRL, needed to develop applications that his clients could customize to their needs. Find out how he did it in this case s...

Dashboard Platform

Software and Technology
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More than Just Components: Syncfusion® Support Makes PDF Integration Simple

Adding support for files in new environments is a significant challenge for any developer. Tomer Dror, a freelance developer, struggled with adding PDF suppor...

PDF File Formats in WinRT

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Enhancing a Parenting App Using Xamarin

Anthony Ramirez of Coquisoft was seeking a new feature for his app, ParentLove. Although Xamarin.Forms provides many controls that can be coded once an...


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Creating Documents and Converting File Formats with ASP.NET MVC Controls and Reporting

Whit Waldo is the president and chief technology officer at Painting Code Software, a software start-up based in College Station, Texas. He needed controls that...

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Beating the Time Crunch with Syncfusion®

Nitin Sharma was building a data analysis desktop application when he needed a prebuilt diagram. Being self-employed, Sharma had few financial resourc...

Windows Forms


Software and Technology
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Simulating Business Logic with WinRT

Businesses everywhere face complex challenges that can be difficult to explain. Often, the...

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ObjectSharp makes personal finance management mobile

ObjectSharp is a development company specializing in Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, and...

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Utilizing WinRT Through Syncfusion® Controls to Create Mobile Applications

Robin Mestré is the founder of Principio Group, Inc., which provides consulting, sourcing and innovation services in mobile and cloud technologies. To...

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