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Building an IDE with Essential Studio® for Windows Forms

Ehsan Ahmed Farooqi is a developer who builds software professionally and in his free time. His latest personal project is an integrated development...

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Digitizing Employee Application Process with Essential Studio® for JavaScript

Ted Getzke is a full-time student, software developer intern, and personal development consultant who writes full stack web applications both at work a...


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Developing Better Applications with Syncfusion®

Henry Wrage, a Syncfusion Alliance Partner, needed Syncfusion's help to achieve the user experience he wanted in his apps.

Dashboard Platform

Software and Technology
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Migrating Controls Quickly and Simply with Syncfusion®

Hector Reyes, CTO of Dya Software, needed to migrate an existing dashboard with a C# back-end and JavaScript charts in the front-end to an ASP.NET MVC...

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Analyzing Patient Data with Essential Studio® for WPF and JavaScript

Barrett Simms is an independent developer who frequently designs user-friendly applications for a variety of companies. He is responsible for picking t...



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Optimal Delivery with Xamarin.Forms UI Library

The Xamarin.Forms components are of outstanding quality and, in my opinion, the best component collection available for Xamarin.Forms.

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Managing Room Temperature with WinRT Gauge Control

Giancarlo Lelli is a software developer who mainly works on client application development for Windows 8, 8.1, and Windows Phone 8. He has been using Syncfusion...


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Achieving Desired Functionality with Essential Studio® for WPF

CRB Consulting is software consulting company based in Las Vegas, Nevada, that provides professional, technical, management, and business services to c...

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Portfolio Management System built from Windows Forms controls

An IT professional in the finance industry needed high-performance controls for a data management application. Performance and ease of use were his primary requ...

Windows Forms

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