Uwe Jädick is the software development manager at PIA Solutions (Thailand).
Can you give a brief description of your company?
PIA Solutions (Thailand) was established in 2023 by a group of friends with common goals: to provide the best products and services to our customers and bring technical innovation to Thais. We pooled decades of experience in accounting, consulting (ERP systems), and IT software to offer broad services and have made connections with other companies to provide even more diverse expertise when needed.
What is your role in your organization?
I am the software development manager. I am an engineer from Germany, and I’ve worked in IT as a system administrator, as a developer, and as a consultant for many years.
What were you using before you began using Essential® Studio components?
I was using WinForms controls.
Could you describe the functionality of the application to which you’re adding Syncfusion® controls?
I’m the software developer and designer for the new application we want to build, and that is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for finance.
What was the specific problem or pain point you were trying to solve before you found Syncfusion?
I started building the application with WinForms, but I needed something more modern.
How did you find Syncfusion?
After searching and trying tutorials, I found Blazor Server. And with the tutorial for Blazor Server came Syncfusion.
Which features made you choose Essential Studio?
The first reason I decided for Syncfusion was simply the look and feel I can create. It has a very unique look and feel. It is so easy. Just a simple example: you take a grid and you can switch on and switch off its behavior with just one flag. And this is so great; I love it. I mean, you don’t need to program anything. You just say true or false to that behavior and you have it. You have all the functionality in the grid, and all you have to do is set flags.
The second reason is the speed at which I can develop my software. It is so easy to change things with all the objects provided. There are all these elements you can put on a page, and you can change the value of the variables easily. And then you have a fully functional application.
You have the grid definition, you have the columns you want to show on the page, and you’re done with it. Add a look-up and you have complete search functionality. It searches over all the columns you have, and it is incredibly fast.
And the third reason is your support. It’s just amazing. Within 48 hours I always have a useful answer. I love it.
If a friend asked you about our tools, what would you say about them?
Life now is good with Syncfusion. Everyone who is doing Blazor should use Syncfusion. And never stop using it. That is our plan.
Best quote
‘If a friend asked you about our tools, what would you say about them?
Life now is good with Syncfusion. Everyone who is doing Blazor should use Syncfusion. And never stop using it. That is our plan’ – Uwe Jädick