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str.match is not a function

I'm using Gantt diagram and I updated my Syncfusion version to  21.1.35
Step 1:  I have removed node_modules folder totally
Step 2:  I removed package.json file
Step 3:  I run npm cache clean --force
Step 4:  Reinstalled my Syncfusion packages with version  21.1.35 via npm install

It didn't work 
Step 4: I run command npm run dedupe
But it still didn't work. After all these steps I still have the following error

My versions of Syncfusion packages

    "@syncfusion/ej2-angular-gantt": "21.1.35",
    "@syncfusion/ej2-angular-navigations": "21.1.35",
    "@syncfusion/ej2-angular-richtexteditor": "21.1.35",
    "@syncfusion/ej2-base": "21.1.35",

I will appreciate any help. Thanks

6 Replies 1 reply marked as answer

UA Udhayakumar Anand Syncfusion Team April 24, 2023 11:18 AM UTC

Hi Aaron

Thank you for reaching out to us. We are unable to replicate the issue that you reported on our end. We've included a sample using the taskbar template and taskID as a string with the version that you’ve mentioned.

In order to investigate this further, could you please provide us with the following details?

  1. Code Snippet of template that you’re using
  2. ViewType of the Gantt
  3. Code Snippet of any other customization you used to render the gantt
  4. Video demonstration of the issue
  5. Code snippet of data source
  6. Could you please modify the given sample and replicate the issue, which will be helpful for us to validate further

Sample Link : https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-d7ubbw?file=src%2Fdata.ts



AA Aaron replied to Udhayakumar Anand April 25, 2023 10:57 AM UTC

I also wasn't able to reproduce the bug in stack blitz

But I fully copy pasted the whole your example (including all settings) into my app and I still got the same error which is likely to be connected with inserting ng-template into gantt because for that template instead of string I have in variable ElementRef

AA Aaron April 26, 2023 08:08 AM UTC

If somebody will read this topic who also has this issue, I found solutıon - there was issue with versions which maybe are not compatible or I don't know what was the problem

But this instruction for updating helped me (DON'T CHANGE MANUALLY VERSIONS IN PACKAGE JSON):

Marked as answer

UA Udhayakumar Anand Syncfusion Team April 26, 2023 08:48 AM UTC


Hope that your reported problem has been resolved by upgrading packages. Please get back to us if you are facing any difficulties



RD Rachael deHaan September 26, 2024 08:14 PM UTC

Updating the packages completely ruined my whole angular app and now nothing will run. 

SJ Sridharan Jayabalan Syncfusion Team September 27, 2024 12:27 PM UTC


For your query, we suspect that some duplicate packages might be installed or due to conflicts between the packages in your ‘@syncfusion’ folder of ‘node_modules’ leads to reported problem. Please follow the below steps provided to overcome the reported problem.

  1. Delete package.lock.json file from your application. 
  1. Remove the @syncfusion package folder from the node_modules.
  1. Use same versions for all components in package.json file
  1. Then install the new packages.

Please refer to the below help documentation,

UG Link: Update npm package in Angular Common control | Syncfusion


Still if you are facing same issue, please provide the following information.

  1. Complete Gantt Chart code details.
  1. Share timezone details.
  1. Are you change anything in load or created event?
  1. Is the issue occurred at initial load or after any action performed such as (edit, sort, filter etc...)
  1. Share us issue replication video.
  1. Is there any console error thrown on your end. Please share those details as well.




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