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Pivot Grid Tooltip Auto Pop / Auto Hide


I'm using a PivotGridControl in my WinForms project. I followed the instructions to show cell tooltips on that grid from here: https://help.syncfusion.com/windowsforms/pivot-grid/faq/how-to-show-tooltip-for-pivot-grid. I wanted to increase the duration that the tooltip is shown, so I set myPivotGridControl.TableControl.CellToolTip.AutoPopDelay to a larger value. However, this doesn't seem to change the duration that the CellToolTip is shown. Is there another way to increase the shown duration?



3 Replies 1 reply marked as answer

SP Sreemon Premkumar Muthukrishnan Syncfusion Team April 6, 2023 03:21 PM UTC

Hi Robert van der Leek,

You requirement can be achieve by make setting the AutomaticDelay as zero to show the ToolTip for longer time. You can set the delay time as your need. Please find the code snippet.

pivotGridControl1.TableControl.CellToolTip.AutomaticDelay = 0;

Please have a look at this sample and let us know if you have any concerns in this.


Sreemon Premkumar M.

Attachment: PivotGridControl_ToolTip_e1f0afa7.zip

Marked as answer

RV Robert van der Leek April 7, 2023 06:08 PM UTC

Hi Sreemon,

The included sample sets AutoPopDelay to 0 rather than AutomaticDelay. I ended up doing 'pivotGridControl.TableControl.CellToolTip.AutoPopDelay = 32000;' which worked to extend the time the tooltip is shown. Setting AutoPopDelay to values higher than Int16.MaxValue does not work, just like with other WinForms tooltips. Thank you!

I have another question, is it possible to cancel an edit in the Pivot Grid? e.g., validate that the user entered a reasonable number and restore the original value if not? Let me know if I should make a new forum post for this.

Thanks again,

Robert van der Leek

VS Vijayarasan Sivanandham Syncfusion Team April 10, 2023 01:58 PM UTC

Robert van der Leek,

We have created a new thread for the query, and the link is below.


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