The sample code used is available at https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-sgts1f?file=src%2Fapp.component.html,src%2Fapp.component.ts
Found couple of issues with Free text annotation when downloaded as PDF are listed below:
Please refer the attached video.
Please find the details.
background color is removed on downloaded PDF |
We were able to reproduce the reported issue “Fillcolor of the freetext annotation is not preserved properly while downloading”. You can track the status of the issue also through the following link.
Feedback link: Fillcolor of the freetext annotation is not preserved properly on XFDF import | Issue Feedback |
Chinese text in Free Text annotation is not showing up in downloaded PDF. English text is rendered correctly. |
We don’t have direct support to save the custom font style for free text annotation. So, while saving the document at the service project, we have embed the font with annotation on the download action. Kindly try this at your service project to get this issue resolved.
Code snippet:
Please find the attached sample for your reference.
Angular sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-sgts1f-srnyrn?file=src%2Fapp.component.html,src%2Fapp.component.ts
Web service Sample : https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/ze/ChineseCharacter284623670.zip
Steps to save the embed the Chinese character while downloading:
Please find the details.
The feedback link you gave is issue with importing the xfdf. Will it also fix the download PDF issue?
Yes, While fixing the import issue the download issue will be fixed. We have edited the feedback title and description too. |
Is there any alternative? How do we know that the user is using simsun font? The user may use any font awailable in his machine which we may not have. |
We have provided the support to save the free text annotations with the built-in fonts. If you are using except the built-in fonts, then you need to embed them in the server side to view it in other viewers. It is a known limitation. |
Ok. In that case, instead of loading from the custom folder, how can I assign a specific font (like Arial Narrow) which already exists in Fonts directory?
In the given sample, we get font stream from the project location. Similarly, you need to get font stream from the required directory on your end.