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Drag and Drop Grid Row to Schedule on Dashboard

I'm trying to implement a drag drop function between a Grid and a Schedule which are rendered on Dashboard panels.  Attached is a small HTML page that illustrates my current attempt.  I would like the user to be able to drag an employee name from the top grid and drop it onto a date in the Schedule.  This action should result in a new event being created on that date with the appropriate Subject, ID and default time (15:00-23:00) values.  The action works but with a couple of quirks.

When the grid row starts dragging, a "ghost" drag image follows the cursor, as desired.  However, when the cursor moves outside of the dashboard panel, the "ghost" image goes away and it is difficult to tell that the drag operation is still in progress.  How can I maintain that dragged image while over the schedule?

What is the best way to determine the Date of where the row was dropped in the Schedule?  My gridRowDrop() method handles this, but it seems kludge.

How do I ensure that the data was dropped on the schedule and not somewhere else?  The event seems to fire regardless.

Attachment: DragExample1_70e8e7c5.zip

5 Replies

JO John March 2, 2023 11:14 PM UTC

I also noticed that once you've added several events by dragging the employees to various dates in the above example, any edits that you make to one of them (e.g. dragging or changing the time with the mouse) will cause events to be duplicated or have the changes applied to multiple events for the same employee. What am I missing here? Seems like a primary key issue.

JO John replied to John March 3, 2023 03:10 PM UTC

OK, I think I figured out the duplicates problem.  While the Id field is optional for local data, if specified the values must be unique.  If I do not specify a Id field in EventSettings, a guid is created for each item.  However, after editing an item, the guid changes.  Is that intentional?

I still need a solution for the original issue.  How can I change the z-index or whatever so that the "ghost" image is still visible in other dashboard panels when drag/drop to external components?

RV Ravikumar Venkatesan Syncfusion Team March 6, 2023 03:31 PM UTC

Hi John,

Q1: When the grid row starts dragging, a "ghost" drag image follows the cursor, as desired.  However, when the cursor moves outside of the dashboard panel, the "ghost" image goes away and it is difficult to tell that the drag operation is still in progress.  How can I maintain that dragged image while over the schedule?

You can resolve this behavior by setting up the zIndex property to the calendar panel of the Dashboard as shown in the below code snippet.


        var dashboard = new ej.layouts.DashboardLayout({

            panels: [



                    'id': 'Panel2',

                    'sizeX': 2,

                    'sizeY': 2,

                    'row': 2,

                    'col': 0,

                    content: '<div class="db-content" id="calendar"></div>',

                    'zIndex': 999





Q2: What is the best way to determine the Date of where the row was dropped in the Schedule?  My gridRowDrop() method handles this, but it seems kludge.

Q3: How do I ensure that the data was dropped on the schedule and not somewhere else?  The event seems to fire regardless

The best way to determine the date where the row dropped is to get the dropped cell data using the getCellDetails method by sending the dropped target cell to it as shown in the below code snippet. You can make sure the dropped target is Schedule by using the closest method with the Schedule selector as highlighted in the below code snippet.


        function gridRowDrop(event) {

            // Make sure the row dropped target is a Schedule element

            var scheduleElement = ej.base.closest(event.target, '.e-schedule .e-content-wrap');

            if (scheduleElement && event.target && event.target.classList.contains('e-work-cells') && event.data) {

                var gridData = event.data;

                // Get the dropped cell date details using getCellDetails method

                var cellData = scheduleObj.getCellDetails(event.target);

                // Get the dropped cell resource details using getResourcesByIndex method

                var resourceDetails = scheduleObj.getResourcesByIndex(cellData.groupIndex);

                var eventDataArr = [];

                for (var i = 0, len = gridData.length; i < len; i++) {

                    var eventData = {

                        Id: gridData[i].id,

                        StartTime: cellData.startTime,

                        EndTime: cellData.endTime,

                        Subject: gridData[i].name,

                        IsAllDay: cellData.isAllDay








Q4: I also noticed that once you've added several events by dragging the employees to various dates in the above example, any edits that you make to one of them (e.g. dragging or changing the time with the mouse) will cause events to be duplicated or have the changes applied to multiple events for the same employee. What am I missing here?

Your reported behavior happens when the different appointments have the same Id value. So, we suggest you make sure each appointment has a unique Id value to avoid this behavior. You can get the unique Id value that is already not present on the Schedule dataSource with help of the getEventMaxID method of the Schedule. Refer to the below example we have used the getEventMaxID method to add a unique Id value to the appointment.

UG: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/javascript/documentation/schedule/how-to/quick-info-template/

API: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/javascript/documentation/api/schedule#geteventmaxid

Q5: If I do not specify a Id field in EventSettings, a guid is created for each item.  However, after editing an item, the guid changes.  Is that intentional?

Yes, the GUID present in the appointment data is intentional. We are using that for internal appointment processing. If you are performing CRUD operations with the Schedule we suggest you make sure each appointment has a unique Id value.


Ravikumar Venkatesan

Attachment: ej2_js_schedule_external_drag_and_drop_cc6adf8a.zip

JO John March 6, 2023 11:19 PM UTC

Thanks for your help and explanations.  I tried adding  the zIndex solution to the panel but it didn't make any difference.  Below is a screen shot showing the drag image moving behind the panel. I tried multiple values for zIndex but nothing changed.



RV Ravikumar Venkatesan Syncfusion Team March 8, 2023 08:31 PM UTC

Hi John,

We checked your reported problem with our shared solution at our end. But, we are unable to reproduce the issue at our end when using zIndex. We require the below details to proceed further. So, share the below-requested details it will help us to check your reported scenario and provide the solution for your query.

  • Issue reproducing code snippets or
  • Reproduce the issue in our last shared sample or
  • Issue reproducing sample.


Ravikumar Venkatesan

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