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Can AccumulationChart to display labels in percentage?


How to tell AccumulationChart to display labels in percentage? or percentage need to be computed at the data level?

 <SfAccumulationChart ID="Sources" EnableBorderOnMouseMove="false" Title="Incident by Sources">

                            <AccumulationChartTooltipSettings Header="" Format="<b>${point.x}</b><br>Source : <b>${point.y} incidents</b>" Enable="true"></AccumulationChartTooltipSettings>

                            <AccumulationChartLegendSettings Visible="false"></AccumulationChartLegendSettings>


                                <AccumulationChartSeries DataSource="@PieDataIncidentBySource" XName="Labels" YName="Val" Name="Sources" Explode="true" ExplodeOffset="0%" ExplodeIndex="0">

                                    <AccumulationDataLabelSettings Visible="true" Name="DataLabelMappingName" Position="AccumulationLabelPosition.Inside">

                                        <AccumulationChartConnector Length="20px" Type="ConnectorType.Curve"></AccumulationChartConnector>

                                        <AccumulationChartDataLabelFont FontWeight="600"></AccumulationChartDataLabelFont>


                                    <AccumulationChartAnimation Enable="true"></AccumulationChartAnimation>






1 Reply 1 reply marked as answer

DG Durga Gopalakrishnan Syncfusion Team February 27, 2023 12:38 PM UTC

Hi Sao,

Greetings from Syncfusion.

We recommend you to use OnDataLabelRender event to customize the data labels based on your requirement. Please check with the below snippet and sample.


    <AccumulationChartEvents OnDataLabelRender="DataLabelRenderEvent">




@code {

    public void DataLabelRenderEvent(AccumulationTextRenderEventArgs args)


        args.Text = args.Point.Percentage + "%";



Sample : https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/ze/PiePercent-408559498.zip

Kindly revert us if you have any concerns.


Durga Gopalakrishnan.

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