What is the recommended way to deal with the filter icon that appears in the column header overlapping with the column header text when you've aligned the column header text to the right?
Do I need to come up with my own CSS to deal with this?
I have applied the following CSS...is this the right way to tackle this or am I missing something I can configure with the Grid? This CSS does seem to solve the issue.
Hi Eric,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
We are unable to reproduce the reported problem from our side, please find the sample for your reference.
Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-h3nx2s?file=src%2Fapp.component.html,src%2Fapp.component.ts
To better understand the issue you're facing with the Grid, we would appreciate it if you could provide us with the following information:
This information will help us replicate the issue and provide a solution.
Rajapandiyan S
Rajapandiyan thanks for the sample app.
I've removed
angular theme css and
all other CSS with the exception of the syncfusion CSS and still have the same issue.
It just seems like only a portion of the CSS is being applied no matter what I do.
I have tried applying the syncfusion css at the component level and at the app level and have seen the same results.
I solved this issue by using src/app.css to store the syncfusion grid CSS instead of using the components CSS to store the syncfusion grid CSS.
We are glad to hear that you have resolved the reported problem. Please define the Syncfusion CSS in the root CSS folder (src/app.css) to apply the styles and get back to us if you need further assistance.
Rajapandiyan S