I've a custom editor template which contains mat-chip elements, mat-select, ...
When I validate my form, I've noticed that my custom attributes are not bound in the eventCreated event data. According to the documentation, I should add name and class='e-field' attributes to my custom fields, but the data is bound only if the fields are simple inputs. I want to avoid encapsulating all my fields in input, so can I remove default editor buttons and use my own in the editor template?
I've seen that thread and I wanted to do the same:
onPopupOpen(args: PopupOpenEventArgs): void {
if (args.type == 'Editor') {
let dialogObj = (args.element as EJ2Instance).ej2_instances[0];
dialogObj.buttons = [];
But i'm getting strange errors when editing existing event :
So do you have any solution to safely remove default editor buttons?
Hi Carla,
We suspect that the error might have caused since there is no className in the input fields. Hence, try the sample and if the issue persists share the below details to proceed further.
Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-yccdth?file=app.component.ts,package.json
Ruksar Moosa Sait
Thanks for your response.
Here is updated example with angular material form fields: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-yccdth-efzzqc?file=app.component.ts,package.json,app.component.html,app%2Fapp.module.ts,app.component.css . Adding class:'e-field' to mat-form-field causes errors
Here is what i'm trying to do: removing default editor buttons https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-1d9yfo?file=app.component.ts,app.component.html . Seems like all cases work well but editing existing event, I'm getting an error.
Thanks for your help
Carla, you can get the value from the mat-select field with help of the value property of the mat-select as highlighted in the code snippet. So, you can use the value property of the mat-select to set the value of it in the popupOpen event of the Schedule and add the mat-select value to the edited appointment in the editEvent method from the mat-select value property like the below code.
Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-yccdth-f3gnca?file=app.component.html,app.component.ts
<mat-select [(value)]="matValue">
<mat-option *ngFor="let status of statusData" [value]="status">{{status}}</mat-option>
matValue = "";
onPopupOpen(args: PopupOpenEventArgs): void {
if (args.type == 'Editor') {
this.matValue = args.data.EventType;
let buttons;
this.currentEvent = this.scheduleObj.getEventDetails(args.target);
let dialogObj = (args.element as EJ2Instance).ej2_instances[0];
buttons = [
buttonModel: { content: 'EDIT', isPrimary: true },
click: this.editEvent.bind(this),
buttonModel: { content: 'DELETE', cssClass: 'e-event-delete' },
click: this.eventDelete.bind(this),
dialogObj.buttons = buttons;
public editEvent(e) {
const eventData: { [key: string]: Object } =
eventData.Id = this.currentEvent.Id;
eventData.EventType = this.matValue;
Thanks for your response
We can't use ngModel because the form is managed in another component so the form state is not visible from the component which use the calendar.
Carla, we have created a new component app-editor-window and used @Input and @Output to share data between the parent context and child directives or components like the below code.
<e-view option="Day"></e-view>
<e-view option="Week"></e-view>
<e-view option="WorkWeek"></e-view>
<e-view option="Month"></e-view>
<ng-template #editorTemplate let-data>
<app-editor-window [matValue]="matValue" [appData]="data"
[separatorKeysCodes]="separatorKeysCodes" (newItemEvent)="statusValue($event)"></app-editor-window>
@Input() matValue = "";
@Input() appData: Record<string, any>;
@Input() separatorKeysCodes: number[];
@Input() Status: string;
@Output() newItemEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();
emitStatusValue(value: string) {
<mat-form-field appearance="outline">
<mat-select [(value)]="matValue" (selectionChange)="emitStatusValue($event.value)">
<mat-option *ngFor="let status of statusData" [value]="status">{{status}}</mat-option>
statusValue(item: string) {
this.matValue = item;
onPopupOpen(args: PopupOpenEventArgs): void {
if (args.type == 'Editor') {
this.matValue = args.data.EventType;
let buttons;
this.currentEvent = this.scheduleObj.getEventDetails(args.target);
let dialogObj = (args.element as EJ2Instance).ej2_instances[0];
buttons = [
buttonModel: { content: 'EDIT', isPrimary: true },
click: this.editEvent.bind(this),
buttonModel: { content: 'DELETE', cssClass: 'e-event-delete' },
click: this.eventDelete.bind(this),
dialogObj.buttons = buttons;