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Legend for group items

1. When I render a Pivot or Chart with a group by (using dashboard), the legend for the grouped quantity is "Sum ...." or "Total of....", irrespective of the selection, Max, Min, Average. Can this legend be customised?

2. Can A pivot table be paged? I have a simple data value captured for 30 items, every day for last three months.
DeviceID   Value  Date
Dev1            1         2017-06-01
Dev1            2         2017-06-02
Dev2           3.4       2017-06-01
... so on for 30 devices from Jun 1 till date.
I create pivot grid, with date in columns (1..31) and months with device id in rows.
In the deployment under IIS or under preview, the table does not load .. at least I got tired of waiting.
The data is rendered perfectly in the designer during design time

Any suggestions?

6 Replies

WA Wazir replied to Ajay August 15, 2017 03:08 PM UTC

1. When I render a Pivot or Chart with a group by (using dashboard), the legend for the grouped quantity is "Sum ...." or "Total of....", irrespective of the selection, Max, Min, Average. Can this legend be customised?

2. Can A pivot table be paged? I have a simple data value captured for 30 items, every day for last three months.
DeviceID   Value  Date
Dev1            1         2017-06-01
Dev1            2         2017-06-02
Dev2           3.4       2017-06-01
... so on for 30 devices from Jun 1 till date.
I create pivot grid, with date in columns (1..31) and months with device id in rows.
In the deployment under IIS or under preview, the table does not load .. at least I got tired of waiting.
The data is rendered perfectly in the designer during design time

Any suggestions?

Attached a dashboard connecting to adventure works connection name, retail sales anaysis (random data)

 [dbo_RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017].[ProductCategoryName] AS [dbo_RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017_ProductCategoryName]
 ,[dbo_RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017].[Country] AS [dbo_RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017_Country]
 ,[dbo_RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017].[SalesAmount] AS [dbo_RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017_SalesAmount]
 ,[dbo_RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017].[SalesTargetAmount] AS [dbo_RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017_SalesTargetAmount]
 ,[dbo_RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017].[Continent] AS [dbo_RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017_Continent]
 ,[dbo_RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017].[SalesDate] AS [dbo_RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017_SalesDate]
 [dbo].[RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017] AS [dbo_RetailSalesAnalysis20151027180914017]

Illustrates both problems.

It says Row Total, instead of Max or Min and does not expand the groups

Attachment: advnetureWorksSAlesbyYearByMOnthByDate_4df12f35.7z

RN Renuka N Syncfusion Team August 16, 2017 11:41 AM UTC

Hi Peritus, 

When I render a Pivot or Chart with a group by (using dashboard), the legend for the grouped quantity is "Sum ...." or "Total of....", irrespective of the selection, Max, Min, Average. Can this legend be customised? 
Yes we can customize “Sum of Column” and “Max.Column” text  in PivotGrid and Chart widgets. Please refer the following UG links to achieve your requirement. 





Can A pivot table be paged? I have a simple data value captured for 30 items, every day for last three months. 
DeviceID   Value  Date 
Dev1            1         2017-06-01 
Dev1            2         2017-06-02 
Dev2           3.4       2017-06-01 
... so on for 30 devices from Jun 1 till date. 
I create pivot grid, with date in columns (1..31) and months with device id in rows. 
In the deployment under IIS or under preview, the table does not load .. at least I got tired of waiting. 
The data is rendered perfectly in the designer during design time 

We can reproduce the reported issue of “Data will not load after drilldown of PivotGrid” and logged bug report for the issue which will be available in our release estimated on first week of September, 2017. 

Renuka N. 

WA Wazir replied to Renuka N August 16, 2017 02:34 PM UTC

Hi Peritus, 

When I render a Pivot or Chart with a group by (using dashboard), the legend for the grouped quantity is "Sum ...." or "Total of....", irrespective of the selection, Max, Min, Average. Can this legend be customised? 
Yes we can customize “Sum of Column” and “Max.Column” text  in PivotGrid and Chart widgets. Please refer the following UG links to achieve your requirement. 





Can A pivot table be paged? I have a simple data value captured for 30 items, every day for last three months. 
DeviceID   Value  Date 
Dev1            1         2017-06-01 
Dev1            2         2017-06-02 
Dev2           3.4       2017-06-01 
... so on for 30 devices from Jun 1 till date. 
I create pivot grid, with date in columns (1..31) and months with device id in rows. 
In the deployment under IIS or under preview, the table does not load .. at least I got tired of waiting. 
The data is rendered perfectly in the designer during design time 

We can reproduce the reported issue of “Data will not load after drilldown of PivotGrid” and logged bug report for the issue which will be available in our release estimated on first week of September, 2017. 

Renuka N. 


1. Pivot lables: Please see the screen shot - highlighted parts

2. For Chart, my apologies, I forgot to mention "Pie Chart". Please see attached highlighted

Let me know if these are customisable.


Attachment: Forum_query_48b991d1.7z

RN Renuka N Syncfusion Team August 17, 2017 01:11 PM UTC

Hi Peritus, 

Pivot lables: Please see the screen shot - highlighted parts 
We have considered your requirement of “Customize Summary Header text of PivotGrid” as a feature and logged report for the same. This feature will be available in any one of our releases. 
 For Chart, my apologies, I forgot to mention "Pie Chart". Please see attached highlighted 
We have considered your requirement of “Customize measure field name in Header text of Propotional Chart” as a feature and have logged feature report which will be available in one of our upcoming releases.  

NOTE: Header text customization will not be applied to dimension values. While render chart with series like the following image. We couldn’t change Header text of Pie Chart, since header text represents dimension value not dimension field name in the scenario. 


Please let us know, if you have any concerns. 

Renuka N. 

WA Wazir August 19, 2017 01:28 AM UTC


Hope to see these implemented soon


RN Renuka N Syncfusion Team August 21, 2017 11:29 AM UTC

Hi Peritus, 
We will let you know once these features are implemented. Appreciate your patience until then. 

Renuka N. 

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