@(Html.EJ().TreeView("treeView").TreeViewFields( s => s.Datasource( ds => ds.URL( @Url.Action("DataSource", new { tipoArticolo = "TtipoServizio" }) ).Adaptor(AdaptorType.UrlAdaptor) ).Id("ID_CATEGORIE").Text("CAT_TEXT").ParentId("CAT_ID_PARENT").HasChild("hasChild").Expanded("expanded")))
Thank you for reply , the treeView is shown.
My treeview is simple, without checkbox and now I want to show and store the value selected but I have problem to do this.
I have a model with property "ID_CATEGORIE"
I want to use DropDownList with dafields text=CAT_TEXT and value=ID_CATEGORIE
this is my code:
<div class="col-md-5">
@Html.EJ().DropDownList("categoria").TargetID("categorie").Width("100%").PopupHeight("280px").WatermarkText("Select an item").ClientSideEvents(e => e.Create("dropDownCategoriaOnCreate"))
<div id="categorie">
s => s.Datasource(ds => ds.URL(@Url.Action("DataSource", "Categorie", new { tipoArticolo = "TtipoProdotto" })).Adaptor(AdaptorType.UrlAdaptor))
.Id("ID_CATEGORIE").Text("CAT_TEXT").ParentId("CAT_ID_PARENT").HasChild("hasChild").Expanded("expanded")).ClientSideEvents(e => e.NodeSelect("categoriaSelect").Create("treeViewCategoriaOnCreate").NodeExpand("checkScroll").NodeCollapse("checkScroll"))
@section scripts{
ej.DropDownList.prototype._OnMouseClick = function (e) { }
ej.DropDownList.prototype._OnMouseEnter = function (e) { }
ej.DropDownList.prototype._OnMouseLeave = function (e) { }
ej.DropDownList.prototype._OnKeyUp = function (e) { }
ej.DropDownList.prototype._OnKeyDown = function (e) { }
function dropDownCategoriaOnCreate(args) {
drpdwnobj = this;
//Function triggers while check the checkbox in tree view and it adds the checked item text to dropdownlist value
function checkScroll(args) {
var scrolpos = drpdwnobj.scrollerObj.model.scrollTop;
drpdwnobj.popupList.css("display", "block");
drpdwnobj.scrollerObj.setModel({ "scrollTop": scrolpos });
//I tried to assign text to the drowdwnlist but doesn't works
function categoriaSelect(args) {
//I tried to use another model property to store the ID , this works ,
// but the drowdwnlist not shown the text
function categoriaSelect(args) {
Thank you for your update. But not work for me.
When the view form is open, the dropdownlist text is empty , the watermarktext is shown.
I tried to add the value on Create event
function dropDownCategoriaOnCreate(args)
{ drpdwnobj = this;
drpdwnobj._addText('@Model.categoria'); }
this works, but when i select another value from treeview , the value is added in the dropdown text.
I need just one value ,Can I set the text instead add ? What is the method to assign text to dropdown ? I want to select a value and then hidePopup() and, if is possible, after the form is open and shown the values read from DB, when the Popup is shown, select the current value on treeview. Is it possible ?
drpdwnobj._removeText(drpdwnobj._hiddenValue); // removing the hidden value
drpdwnobj.model.value = drpdwnobj.model.text = ""; // clearing the model values
drpdwnobj.element.val(""); //clearing the value form the element
drpdwnobj._hiddenValue = currentValue; //adding the current value to hidden element
drpdwnobj._addText(currentValue); // adding the text to dropdownlist
drpdwnobj.model.value = drpdwnobj.model.text = drpdwnobj.element.val(); //setting value in model |
drpdwnobj._hideResult(); |
function treeViewOnCreate(args) {
treeobj = this;
var node = this.getSelectedNode();
} |
Thank you for your help,
but your example use the NodeClick event,
for me is not ok , because if I select a node to expande , this is selected,
then I use the NodeSelect event.
In treeViewOnCreate Event , I cant found selected node, my datasource is from action url, then I use the Ready event :
function treeViewCategoriaReady(args) {
var node = treeobj.getNode($("#@Model.IDcategoria"));
And at the end, i use:
function categoriaSelect(args) {
var currentText = !ej.isNullOrUndefined(args.text) ? args.text : args.value;//get selected node text
var currentValue = !ej.isNullOrUndefined(args) ? args.id : ""; //get selected note ID
drpdwnobj._hiddenValue = currentText; //adding the current text to hidden element
drpdwnobj._addText(currentText); // adding the text to dropdownlist
drpdwnobj.model.value = currentText; //setting value in model
$("#IDcategoria").val(currentValue); //setting value to ID property
drpdwnobj._hideResult();// hide popup
to set just ione value to dropdown.
Anyway thanks, with your help I solved my problem, but any other suggest is apreciate
Hi Nicola,
Thank you for your update.
In the NodeSelect event, when we unselect a value it will be unselected and selected again. This the default behavior of the TreeView control. So, we suggest you to use in the NodeClick event.
OK thanks,
this works pretty well, but if in my form I have another simple drop down list without treeview, this not work, because this code to prevent default behavior is applied to all ej DropDownList.
// prevents the default behaviour to perform custom action
ej.DropDownList.prototype._OnMouseClick = function (e) { }
ej.DropDownList.prototype._OnMouseEnter = function (e) { }
ej.DropDownList.prototype._OnMouseLeave = function (e) { }
ej.DropDownList.prototype._OnKeyUp = function (e) { }
ej.DropDownList.prototype._OnKeyDown = function (e) { }
I tried to apply this, only to the drowdown with listview
drpdwnobj = $('#categoriaServiziFiltro').data("ejDropDownList");
drpdwnobj._OnMouseClick = function (e) { };
drpdwnobj._OnMouseEnter = function (e) { };
drpdwnobj._OnMouseLeave = function (e) { };
drpdwnobj._OnKeyUp = function (e) { };
drpdwnobj._OnKeyDown = function (e) { };
But doesn't works.
How can I avoid this?
<script type="text/javascript">
// prevents the default behaviour to perform custom action
function dropdownOnCreate(args) {
drpdwnobj = $("#DropDownList").ejDropDownList("instance");
drpdwnobj.ultag.off("click", $.proxy(drpdwnobj._OnMouseClick, drpdwnobj));
drpdwnobj.ultag.off("mouseenter", $.proxy(drpdwnobj._OnMouseEnter, drpdwnobj));
drpdwnobj.ultag.off("mouseleave", $.proxy(drpdwnobj._OnMouseLeave, drpdwnobj));
$(drpdwnobj.popupList, drpdwnobj.wrapper).off("keyup", $.proxy(drpdwnobj._OnKeyUp, drpdwnobj));
$(drpdwnobj.popupList, drpdwnobj.wrapper).off("keydown", $.proxy(drpdwnobj._OnKeyDown, drpdwnobj));
drpdwnobj._OnMouseClick = function (e) { }
drpdwnobj._OnMouseEnter = function (e) { }
drpdwnobj._OnMouseLeave = function (e) { }
drpdwnobj._OnKeyUp = function (e) { }
drpdwnobj._OnKeyDown = function (e) { }
</script> |