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Error when compile

In version and, are occurring theerrors in attachment

Attachment: error_e53ae107.zip

4 Replies

PB Priyanga Balasubramaniam Syncfusion Team December 28, 2016 12:58 PM UTC

Hi Renato,

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products.

Query#1:"Regarding Obsolete Warnings in SfTextBoxExt."

Since we have deprecated the "Delimeter" property for SfTextBoxExt control in version so, obsolete warnings has been thrown and instead you can use "Delimiter".

Query#2:"Regarding Obsolete Warnings in SfSchedule".

Since we have deprecated the NonFocusedMonth and FocusedMonth properties from SfSchedule in version so obsolete warnings has been thrown in SfSchedule and instead you can use ScheduleMonthCellStyle class properties to customize Schedule month cell.

Please find the SfSchedule release notes changes for version

Breaking Changes:

Priyanga B

GM Giselle Marchioro December 28, 2016 01:59 PM UTC

Hi, Priyanga!

Okay, but I'm not using any of these properties

CC Christophe Cordonnier replied to Giselle Marchioro December 28, 2016 02:05 PM UTC

Hi, Priyanga!

Okay, but I'm not using any of these properties

I have exactly the same problem (In French) : "Avertissement CS0618 'SfTextBoxExt.Delimeter' est obsolète : 'Delimeter is deprecated, please use Delimiter instead.'"

I do not use this property :(

PB Priyanga Balasubramaniam Syncfusion Team January 2, 2017 12:48 PM UTC

Hi Renato/Christophe,

We have marked "Delimeter" property for SfTextBoxExt and "NonFocusedMonth", "FocusedMonth" properties of SfSchedule as Obsolete. So, warning is displayed in "XamlTypeInfo.g.cs" file. This is autogenerated file by the VS. This issue is related to the VS.

Please find the details in the below MSDN forum.

link: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/SqlServer/en-US/d277b19e-5245-487a-b944-dd8093cb0b98/if-a-property-is-marked-with-an-obsolete-attribtute-compiler-warnings-are-shown-in-the?forum=wpdevelop  

Priyanga B

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