Thanks for you timely response
your sample work great for legends but am still facing issue.
this is your code
Binding binding = new Binding();
binding.Source = new ViewModel();
binding.Path = "Data";
doughnutSeries.SetBinding(ChartSeries.ItemsSourceProperty, binding);
by using this code it work in your sample but i want it is not working in my project. am using xaml syntax using xamarin.forms.
i also try same sample code in my project but no result.
1. How i can convert this code to xaml syntax. please provide xaml syntax.
2. below i attached xaml code from my project please look into code thanks.
here is my attached xaml.
i also attached android screen shoot you can see there is no legends.
i think if i set itemsource according your provide binding code may be it will show legends right now its not showing legends.
<chart:SfChart HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" x:Name="DoughnutChart" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" SelectionChanged="SfChart_OnSelectionChanged">
<chart:ChartLegend DockPosition="Bottom">
<chart:ChartLegendLabelStyle Font="7"/>
<chart:DoughnutSeries DataMarkerPosition="OutsideExtended" ItemsSource="{Binding GigsData}" IsVisibleOnLegend="True"
ConnectorLineType="Line" EnableDataPointSelection="True">
<chart:ChartColorModel Palette="Custom">
<chart:ChartDataMarker LabelContent="YValue">
<chart:DataMarkerLabelStyle Font="25" Margin="2">