How can I make a TextBlock editable when it is clicked and the value is committed when ESC or ENTER is pressed?

Platform: WPF| Category: TextBlock
<StackPanel MouseLeftButtonDown='HandleMouseInput' Margin='5'>
                <!--Base TextBox Style-->
                <Style x:Key='TextBoxBaseStyle' TargetType='{x:Type TextBox}'>
                    <Setter Property='FontSize' Value='20'/>
                    <Setter Property='Margin' Value='5'/>
                <!--Simplified TextBox Style with template & necessary bindings.-->
        TargetType='{x:Type TextBox}'
        BasedOn='{StaticResource TextBoxBaseStyle}'>
                    <Setter Property='Template'>
                            <ControlTemplate TargetType='{x:Type TextBox}'>
                BorderBrush='{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}'
                BorderThickness='{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}'
                Background='{TemplateBinding Background}'>
                  Text='{TemplateBinding Text}'
                  TextDecorations='{TemplateBinding TextDecorations}'/>
                    <Setter Property='Focusable' Value='false'/>
            <TextBox Width='100' Height='30' Style='{StaticResource BasicTextBox}'></TextBox>

The events of the above code are given below.


        void HandleMouseInput(object sender, MouseEventArgs args)
            TextBox tb = args.Source as TextBox;
            if (tb == null)
            if (ActiveTextBox == null)

        //Deactivates the active TextBox if the Enter
        // or ESC key is pressed.

        void HandleKeyInput(object sender, KeyEventArgs args)
            TextBox tb = args.Source as TextBox;
            if (tb != null &&
                  (args.Key == Key.Return || args.Key == Key.Escape))

        //Deactivate the Textbox the active TextBox.
        void HandleLostFocus(object sender, EventArgs args)
            TextBox tb = sender as TextBox;
            if (tb != null)

        //Activate the TextBox by applying the base style
        //(thereby removing the basic style.)  Set focus, select
        //all the content & invalidate the visual.
        //Also, dynamically add handlers for losing focus and
        //handling key input.

        void Activate(TextBox tb)
            tb.Style = (Style)tb.FindResource('TextBoxBaseStyle');
            tb.LostFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(HandleLostFocus);
            tb.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(HandleKeyInput);
            ActiveTextBox = tb;

        //Deactivate the TextBox by applying the Basic style.
        //Remove the event handlers.

        void Deactivate(TextBox tb)
            tb.Style = (Style)tb.FindResource('BasicTextBox');
            tb.LostFocus -= new RoutedEventHandler(HandleLostFocus);
            tb.KeyDown -= new KeyEventHandler(HandleKeyInput);
            ActiveTextBox = null;

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