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New Row

1. How to get access programmatically to GDBGrid.Binder new row ? 2. Tell me if my thought is correct. From RowEditing event at a new row I call immediately Binder.AddNew Binder row count shows 1 plus than Currency Manager(DataView) which increased also. The previous new row of Binder is now a detached row of DataView . I do the editing and as I am leaving the row the Binder writes the data cached internally to the DataSource. How to catch the event and to set values ? Thanks

3 Replies

ST stefan_t January 14, 2004 02:34 PM UTC

One more , I haven''t all the fields of my DataRow as columns of GDBGrid. I set only few columns instead to set all and hide which I don''t need For this reason I call immediately the AddNew at RowEditing so to be able to set the values in Currency Manager detached row. I hope I follow the right way. thanks

ST stefan_t January 14, 2004 04:54 PM UTC

Ok, I have solved this way RowEditing ... if(e.IsAddNew) { Me.Binder.AddNew(); dv=(DataRowView)CurrManager.Current; dv["DESCRIPTION"]="Hi"; } RowLeave... dv=(DataRowView)CurrManager.Current; if RowState==DataRowState.Detached Table.ImportRow(dv.Row); Is there any other more convinient way ? Regards

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 14, 2004 05:14 PM UTC

I do not know of a better way. This handles things dynamically (not depending on DataColumn.DefaultValue property), and you can initialize any fields, even those not display in the grid.

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