> Hi,
> I would like to achieve that the parent record only displays the plus, when a child record is available in a relation.
> This is the "normal" behavior after you have clicked a record with no child record.
> Is there a way to handle it programatically/automatically? (I've more then 100.000 records in the grid...)
> img1.gif shows the records after binding.
> img2.gif shows the goal, after manually selecting any record...
> Thanks in advance,
> Georg
Here is a sample that initially shows a - if a row has no children. It does so by handling the DrawCell event and drawing the cell there using the right bitmaps. There is a little helper routine that checks if the row has children. Instead of changing it to a - sign, you could make it a blank if that is what you need.
You can change the DrawCell code to start out
if(e.ColIndex == 1 && e.RowIndex > grid.Model.Cols.HeaderCount)
bool noChildren = !HasChildrenAtRow(e.RowIndex);
if( noChildren)
e.Cancel = true;
Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushPaint.FillRectangle(e.Graphics, e.Bounds, grid.GetInterior(e.Style.Interior));
object o = e.Style.CellValue;
if(o.Equals(-1) || o.Equals("") ||
(!grid.IsExpandedAtRowIndex(e.RowIndex) && noChildren ))
o = (int)1;