If you are using the ImageGridCell class from the ExcelSelectionMarker sample to display the bitmap, then you can change the OnDraw override to draw a centered bitmap. Here is some sample code.
protected override void OnDraw(System.Drawing.Graphics g, System.Drawing.Rectangle clientRectangle, int rowIndex, int colIndex, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridStyleInfo style)
if (clientRectangle.IsEmpty)
if(style.Tag is Bitmap)
Size bmSize = ((Bitmap) style.Tag).Size;
Rectangle targetRect = new Rectangle(clientRectangle.X, clientRectangle.Y, bmSize.Width, bmSize.Height);
if( bmSize.Width < clientRectangle.Width )
targetRect.X += (clientRectangle.Width - bmSize.Width) / 2;
if( bmSize.Height < clientRectangle.Height )
targetRect.Y += (clientRectangle.Height - bmSize.Height) / 2;
g.DrawImage((Bitmap) style.Tag, targetRect);