The Syncfusion® native Blazor components library offers 70+ UI and Data Viz web controls that are responsive and lightweight for building modern web apps.
.NET PDF framework is a high-performance and comprehensive library used to create, read, merge, split, secure, edit, view, and review PDF files in C#/VB.NET.
I take that back... I have discovered a pattern, and I don't think it's the event firing/not firing. Here's what happens:
I call PanelA.ShowSplash non-modally (i.e. isModal = False). Works fine. I call PanelB.ShowSplash modally. Appears in front of PanelA, just as I would expect. So far, so good.
But, if a different application (IE, Windows Explorer, whatever) gets focus between the time PanelA is shown and the time PanelB is shown, PanelB (the modal one) shows up BEHIND panelA.
However, if another app is foremost right from the start (at least before PanelA is shown), all works as expected.
Is this a bug, or expected windows behavior? Thanks.
DJDavis Jebaraj Syncfusion Team April 24, 2003 11:08 AM UTC
We are investigating this behavior. The SplashPanelB when it is made modal is modal with respect to the owner window you pass into the ShowSplash call. It could be that the SplasPanelB is going behind SplashPanelA because it is tied to the owner window. I will investigate this further and update this thread.
IPIvan PellyApril 24, 2003 12:20 PM UTC
I'm passing Nothing as the owner of each of the panels. I also tried making "A" the owner of "B", but I experience the same effect. Thanks!