Hi Nirav,
I put together a sample based on your requirements. Please take a look at this sample and let me know if you have any questions.
Copying Source Worksheet to Destination Worksheet_7581.zip
Thank you for your Co-operation.
Best Regards,
>Hi Stephen,
>I''''ve been trying to copy data (90 rows) from source worksheet to destination worksheet in other workbook using Syncfusion tool version 3.2.
>I am using Range method of worksheet to copy and paste the data from source sheet to destination sheet.Below is the code:
>ExcelEngine vacEngine=new ExcelEngine();
>IApplication vacApplication=vacEngine.Excel;
>vacApplication.Workbooks.Open("C:\\ExcelData\\VAC document.xls");
>IWorkbooks m_objBooksVAC=vacApplication.Workbooks;
>IWorkbook m_objBookVAC = m_objBooksVAC[0];
>// Create a sheets objects.`
>IWorksheets m_objSheetsVAC=m_objBookVAC.Worksheets;
>//Source sheet from where data is required to copy.
>IWorksheet m_objSheet_VACSource = m_objSheetsVAC["VAC & Total Return"];
>//Destination sheet
>IWorksheet m_objSheet_VACDestination=m_Workbook.Worksheets["VAC & Total Return"];
>sRowSt =1;
>sRowEnd =100;
>m_objSheet_VACDestination.Range[sRowSt,iColSt,sRowEnd,iColEnd].Value2 = m_objSheet_VACSource.Range[sRowSt,iColSt,sRowEnd,iColEnd].Text;
>When I execute the above code it does not throw any error but data is not pasted to the destination sheet.
>Please let me know the solution for the same.