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Relative formula cell references

Hi, This may seem like a basic question but I can’t get it to work and I can’t find an answer in the forums. ‘I create a cell at E4 grid(4,5).CellValue = 123 ‘I create a formula at E3 which references that cell grid(3,5).CellType = “FormulaCell” grid(3,5).Text = “=Sum(E4)” ‘When I do this grid.Model.Rows.InsertRange(3, 1) I get a circular reference error because cell E3 is now E4. How do I put in a relative cell reference in E3’s formula so that inserting/deleting rows will adjust the cell reference accordingly. Thanks

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 20, 2005 08:03 PM UTC

Try setting these flags to see if this makes things work better. dim engine As GridFormulaEngine = CType(this.gridControl1.CellModels("FormulaCell"), GridFormulaCellModel).Engine; engine.FormulaCopyFlags = engine.FormulaCopyFlags Or GridFormulaCopyFlags.InsDelRangeReferencesUpdated engine.FormulaCopyFlags = engine.FormulaCopyFlags OR GridFormulaCopyFlags.ClipBoardReferencesAdjusted

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 20, 2005 09:04 PM UTC

Thanks! That did the trick!

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