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DockingManager TabGroup

Hi: I use the following code to Dock controls. this.dockingManager.DockControl(this.Control1, this,Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.DockingStyle.Left, 175); this.dockingManager.DockControl(this.Control2, this.Control1,Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.DockingStyle.Tabbed, 175); Runtime I want to add and remove controls to the same DockingManager''s TabGroup. To Add Controls: I use the same dockingManager.DockControl method, which adds the control at the beginning of the tab group.But I want to add the control at the end like normal TabControl adds new TabPage.How it can be done? I want to remove the tabControls dynamically.Is DockingManager exposing any method to remove docked controls? Thanks in Advance Alex

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 15, 2005 06:18 PM UTC

Hi Alex, To remove docked controls you can use SetEnableDocking to disable docking on a specific control. Regarding your TabGroup question, I don''t believe what you request is possible without extending DockingManager. Our DockingManager is based on the VS .NET docking, where controls added to the TabGroup are added to the beginning. However, if you''re interested in trying to extend the DockingManager, please create a Direct-Trac incident and I''ll help you with it. Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion Inc.

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