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Installed Version 3.2

I just uninstalled version, and then installed version 3.2. The entire process went smooth and I had no problems at all. Once 3.2 was installed, I ran the tool to update the license files. Then I opened my huge solution that has several projects using charts, grids, tools, and diagrams. I compiled and ran and I was up and running without any problems. A little good news can never hurt.

3 Replies

IY Ian Yates April 13, 2005 03:14 PM UTC

Yep. Same from our end. I had a slight problem with the new licensing when converting the major project I''m working on, but it turned out to be a problem with the way my NAnt file was including the license resource. Like Kevin said, it''s nice to hear of things going well for once.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 13, 2005 03:26 PM UTC

Well, I''ve never had a problem installing Syncfusion Suites and Studios. I just figured to post some positive news. If hundreds or thousands of users install the Suite, but only 2 users have problems and they are the only ones who posted, then users may think there are problems with the release. I''m sure several people were (or are) waiting to see if there are any problems with 3.2. Like Ken for example :) 3.2 has been smooth and solid for me.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 13, 2005 07:44 PM UTC

Hi Kevin, Ian Thanks for the kind words. Kevin, as they say "No news is good news" :-). Regards Arun

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