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Element events

I have a page that contains from 3 to 8 radio buttons on it. Right now when I click them the HTMLUI works great, it does exactly what I need them to do. I can call the click event programmatically and that works great to, the problem is I haven''t found a way to actually change the appearance of the radio button to register as "Clicked" when I call it programmatically. For example when I press "A" on the keyboard this fires the "A" "Click Event" but it doesn''t register on the screen as "Clicked". I don''t want to have to use a java script to do this and was hoping that there would be a "Click" event in HTMLUI to handle this. Is there and I''m just missing it, or do I have to use a java script?

1 Reply

DJ Davis Jebaraj Syncfusion Team April 12, 2005 04:25 PM UTC

Hi Ben, To show a HTML radio button as selected, you can get the Control object using the HTMLUIControl.Document.GetControlByElement() method and set its Checked property. Please refer to the sample linked to below: HTMLRadioButtonSelect_3272.zip Thanks, Davis

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