Hi There,
If displayed columns are more in a grid,say some 15 colums,scrollbars are necessary.If i try to move the scrollbar scrollbar is moving but form is not moving.
Syncfusion Team
March 2, 2005 10:27 AM UTC
To make the grid dynamically redraw itself as you move the scroll thumb, set this property:
grid.HorizontalThumbTrack = true;
grid.VerticalThumbTrack = true;
March 9, 2005 02:49 PM UTC
Hi Clay,
After switching on these two properties I am able to scroll but I am facing some other problem.If the last column''s width is greater than the visible region scroll bar reaches the end even though the cell is not fully visible.
Please advice.
Manohar B.
Syncfusion Team
March 9, 2005 04:08 PM UTC
Are you using version With that version, I added these lines
this.gridControl1.ColWidths[this.gridControl1.ColCount] = 500;
this.gridControl1.HScrollPixel = true;
this.gridControl1.HorizontalThumbTrack = true;
to the \Syncfusion\Essential Suite\\Windows\Grid.Windows\Samples\Quick Start\GridControlSort. Then I sized the grid so it would be much less than 500 pixels wide. In that sample, I do not see the problem you describe. Do you?
March 10, 2005 06:36 AM UTC
Hi Clay,
I think now its working as per requirement but when i put the cursor at the end of the cell, scroll bar is moving back.
Also can you please suggest any third party spell checker which is compatible with syncfusion grids.
Manohar B.
Syncfusion Team
March 10, 2005 08:59 AM UTC
Sorry, I have no experience with 3rd party spellchecker software.
March 10, 2005 03:14 PM UTC
Hi Clay,
I think now its working as per requirement but when i put the cursor at the end of the cell, scroll bar is moving back.
Manohar B.
Syncfusion Team
March 10, 2005 03:29 PM UTC
I know of no work-around for this problem.
In the Framework, when you click on a control window (like TextBox that does the editing in a grid cell), this window scrolls so its top-left corner of the control is visible. It is not the grid doing this, but the framework.
You can see this by placing a TextBox on a form, and making the textbox much wider than the form. Set the form''s AutoScroll to true to see scrollbars on the form. If you then run the sample, and scroll all the way to the right, when you click into the textbox, the form will scroll so the left edge of the textbox is visible.