It is most likely that TextAlign support was only added after 1.6.
I am attaching the code used in 2.x codebase that implements checkboxes. You could take that code and include it into a C# project of your own and with some luck and minor changes you should be able to get that working.
The other option is to upgrade to 2.x or 3.x.
>Hi Stephan,
>GridControl1(mRows, 2).TextAlign = GridTextAlign.Right or left
>seems to have no affect on the cell. I have Essential Grid and the documentation does not list a checkbox as one of the cell types this property effects.
>The property:
>GridControl1(mRows, 2).HorizontalAlignment
>did successfully move checkbox and text to the righthand side of the cell...but I''m still searching for that property that moves the box to the right hand side of the text portion of the control.