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Are there be any known difficulties in binding a GridStyleInfo to a non-traditional data source - something other than a dataset or dataview?
I have a class with some properties that I would like to display in a grid row but I''m having some troubles hooking the binding up using the DataSource, ValueMember properties of the GridStyleInfo object...
model[1, 3].DataSource = searchCriteria;
model[1, 3].DisplayMember = "BindProperty";
model[1, 3].ValueMember = "BindProperty";
model[1, 3].CellValue = searchCriteria.BindProperty;
ADAdministrator Syncfusion Team September 21, 2004 07:01 PM UTC
To further clarify, the property in my datasource doesn''t change as the values in the grid cell change.
I also added an event handler to the grid''s SaveCellInfo event and I noticed that the "Handled" property of the event args was false - if that''s any help.
>Are there be any known difficulties in binding a GridStyleInfo to a non-traditional data source - something other than a dataset or dataview?
>I have a class with some properties that I would like to display in a grid row but I''m having some troubles hooking the binding up using the DataSource, ValueMember properties of the GridStyleInfo object...
>model[1, 3].DataSource = searchCriteria;
>model[1, 3].DisplayMember = "BindProperty";
>model[1, 3].ValueMember = "BindProperty";
>model[1, 3].CellValue = searchCriteria.BindProperty;
ADAdministrator Syncfusion Team September 21, 2004 07:59 PM UTC
Is searchCriteria some kind of IList or IListSource object? If not, the above code will not work.
Also, you would have to be using a GridControl, and not a GridDataBoundGrid for such code to work.
ADAdministrator Syncfusion Team September 21, 2004 08:10 PM UTC
It is a GridControl but, no, the object I''m trying to use as a datasource is not a list. I guess the best way to deal with "binding" is getting/retrieving the values during an event (CurrentCellChanged probably?)
Thanks Clay.
ADAdministrator Syncfusion Team September 21, 2004 11:18 PM UTC
You could use the QueryCellInfo event to dynamically provide the e.Style.CellValue for a particular cell from your data cache, and then use SaveCellInfo to move any modified value from e.Style.CellValue back to your data cache.