Hi Syncfusion-Team,
I am using many components of yours and the localization works fine. Recently I have added the file manager and for this component the localization sadly does not work.
For localization I am calling "setCulture" and "L10n.load" in the constructor of my app.component. In the L10n.load method I load my translation file which you can find in the attachments.
I have also updated every syncfusion package to the latest version, but it still does not work:
I can't find a solution by myself. What could be the issue?
Kind Regards,
Hi Peter Linecker,
Greetings from Syncfusion support.
With the shared details, you are facing an issue with localization in the Syncfusion angular FileManager component. We have prepared a FileManager sample to replicate the reported issue. But we are unable to replicate the reported issue from our side and the sample working fine with localization. We have shared the prepared sample and documentation to implement the FileManager component with localization for your reference.
Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ccntcr?file=src%2Fapp.component.ts
Documentation: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/documentation/file-manager/localization
Check the shared sample. If the issue still persists from your side, share some additional details related to your exact issue or if possible, share the exact issue replicated sample from your side. This information will enable us to better understand your issue and provide you with an appropriate solution.
Hello Syncfusion-Team,
I tried the approach of your sample with the file manager component. Sadly the translations are still not being loaded.
I wondered if I had done something wrong, so I tried the same approach with the datepicker component. Strangely on the datepicker component the translation works just fine.
It looks like the localization works on every component except for the file manager but I can't understand why. The file manager component is the most recently added component in my project, could it be related to this?
Kind regards,
Hi Peter,
We have reviewed your query and understand that you are experiencing difficulties with the localization in the File Manager component. We would like to assist you in resolving this issue.
Please follow the below steps to resolve the issue:
<ejs-filemanager id="overview" .... [locale]="locale" > </ejs-filemanager>
import { L10n } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
export class AppComponent {
.... public hostUrl: string = 'https://ej2-aspcore-service.azurewebsites.net/'; this.locale = 'de'; }
Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ccntcr-qhgvqi?file=src/app.component.ts
We hope that the suggested solution resolves the issue. If the issue persists, please provide us with further details or replicate the issue in the shared sample so that we can validate your query further and provide you with a prompt solution.
The problem was that my Syncfusion packages all had different version numbers.
The solution was to remove all Syncfusion packages from the "package.json" file, remove the "package-lock.json" file and the node-modules folder, then typing "npm install" and then reinstalling every syncfusion package one by one with a specific version like "npm install @syncfusion/[email protected]", and so on.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the update. Please get back to us for assistance in the future.