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Cannot get datagrid instance in the actionBegin event (Vuejs 3)

Hello , I am trying to get the datagrid instance in the actionBegin event to show or hide columns but it gives me error in the console :

Uncaught TypeError: butRef.value.getColumns is not a function

Syncfusion version : 21.1.38

kindly download the attachment project 

note : I am using Nuxt 3

2 Replies 1 reply marked as answer

AS Ayman Shokry April 14, 2023 11:44 PM UTC

Sorry , I found out the reason of this error It is my own fault I set ref property of the buttonTemplate to the same ref value of the datagrid , thanks

Marked as answer

SG Suganya Gopinath Syncfusion Team April 17, 2023 07:29 AM UTC


Thanks for sharing the status of the issue. Please get back to us for further assistance.

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