Hello, im having trouble with my pivot table.
Im using a function that sets dataSourceSettings.expandAll to true. This works fine
The problem is, after all of my members are expanded, when I try closing one of them, the whole table freezes and shows a spinner which goes on until I reload the page, or use another function which sets dataSourceSettings.expandAll to false.
Is there a way I can optimize the table so this doesn't happen? keep in mind, the problem only arises after having expanded and then trying to collapse a member manually by clicking on the arrow to its left. If I collapse everything by setting dataSourceSettings.expandAll to false, the table works fine.
Heres the relevant code for my Table:
Hi Hector,
We have checked the reported issue and we are unable to reproduce the reported issue at our end. However, we have prepared a sample with custom toolbar items using toolbar template option. Moreover the drill operations functions properly at our end. Please refer the below sample.
Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-wesxqa-7rxmnx?file=index.js,index.html
Please see the below UG document to know more about the toolbar template.
Document: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/react/documentation/pivotview/tool-bar#toolbar-template
If the problem persists, please reproduce it in the provided sample and revert to us (or) send your sample that replicates the problem. This would allow us to investigate the reported problem at our end and provide a solution as soon as possible.
Angelin Faith Sheeba.