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Improve performance- Virtualized Binding

Gi I would like to improve performnace of my PivotGrid, I would like to use Virtualized Binding, can I get working example? The code that is here:

cannot be compiled in line:

           ScrollViewer _scrollViewer = e.OriginalSource as ScrollViewer;

Do you have any other example for improving perfromance using Virtualized Binding and also other options if possible :)

1 Reply

DM Dhanasekar Mohanraj Syncfusion Team March 27, 2023 01:53 PM UTC

Hi Patrycja Maria Karys,

We have reviewed the user guide documentation you provided and found some errors that we will correct shortly. Additionally, we have prepared a runnable sample for your requested scenario, which is attached for your reference.

We would also like to suggest some additional options to improve the performance of the PictoGridControl. Please refer to the following knowledge base documentation links for more information on these options,

KB Links:




Dhanasekar M,

If this post is helpful, please consider Accepting it as the solution so that other members can locate it more quickly.

Attachment: Performance_2d4d6a1d.zip

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