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Spreadsheet.openComplete event should fire after .openFromJSON

In a Spreadsheet, calling .openFromJson doesn't cause an openCompete event, which IMO it should.  Please add this to your dev request forum.  Thanks.

1 Reply

SP Sangeetha Priya Murugan Syncfusion Team March 24, 2023 01:32 PM UTC

Hi John,

Based on our current behavior, actionComplete/openComplete will not be triggered for the public methods. Those events will be triggered only for UI-level performed actions. And we have already logged this as a feature request. You can track the status of this feature using the link below from our feedback portal. And it will be available in any of our upcoming releases. We appreciate your patience until then.

Feedback Link: https://www.syncfusion.com/feedback/31848/to-provide-action-events-for-public-methods-in-spreadsheet

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