I'm using custom template to render my own ui as tooltip for chart.
tooltip is not getting displayed and throwing the below error in the console when some series items missing data for some x values
This is what tooltip.js at line no 270 has
as the data is null, accessing data.point is throwing above error
This is how my data looks like
This is my series collection
for groupBlock and groupOverride, there is no data available the above shared data.
so, I'm getting above mentioned error
what should be the solution for this ?
This is the tooltip object that I'm passing to the chart instance
Hi Lenin,
Greetings from Syncfusion.
We have created a vue application using the provided application with the latest version to replicate the reported scenario. But, we are unable to reproduce the same. You can download the attached sample for your reference.
Code Snippet:
<ejs-chart id="container" :title='title' :primaryXAxis='primaryXAxis' :axes='axes' :tooltip='tooltip'> <e-series-collection> <e-series :dataSource='seriesData' type='Line' xName='x' yName='y' name='USA'> </e-series> <e-series :dataSource='seriesData' type='Line' xName='x' yName='y1' name='USA'> </e-series> <e-series :dataSource='seriesData' type='Line' xName='x' yName='y2' name='USA'> </e-series> <e-series :dataSource='seriesData' type='Line' xName='x' yName='y3' name='USA'> </e-series> </e-series-collection> </ejs-chart> |
If the reported scenario still persists with the latest package version(v20.4.54), please modify the attached sample to replicate the reported scenario. It will be helpful for us to analyze further and assist you better.
With the default tooltip, it's working fine. Its showing only the available values.
But with the custom template, I'm getting error.
Try checking with custom tooltip template. That too, don't check template as plain string, try checking a component as a custom template.
We have created a vue application by adding the tooltip template as a table element in the chart to replicate the reported scenario. But, we are unable to replicate the reported scenario. The tested sample can be downloaded from the attached sample. Please find the below code snippet and screenshot of the sample for your reference.
Code Snippet:
var TemplateVue = Vue.component('contentTemplate', { template: `<div> <table style="width:100%; border: 1px solid black;"> <tr><th colspan="2" bgcolor="#00FFFF">Unemployment</th></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#00FFFF">{{data.x}}:</td><td bgcolor="#00FFFF">{{data.y}}</td></tr> </table></div> `, data() { return { data: {} }; } });
let contentTemplate = function() { return { template: TemplateVue }; };
tooltip: { enable: true, template: contentTemplate },
If the reported scenario still persists, please
modify the above sample to replicate the reported scenario. It will be helpful
for us to analyze further and assist you better.
In your scenario, there is data in all series for all x values.
In my case, for some x values, some series doesn't have entries.
I'm getting error in that case. And my tooltip is a shared tooltip, not individual tooltip
Hi Leninkumar,
We have created a Vue application by adding the tooltip template as a table element and setting some x values as null and series without entries in the chart to replicate the reported scenario. Unfortunately, we are unable to replicate the reported issue. The tested sample can be downloaded from the attached sample.
UG: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/vue/documentation/chart/tool-tip
If you are still facing problem, please try to replicate an issue in attached sample or share us issue reproduced sample so that it will be helpful to validate this case further. Kindly revert us if you have any concerns.
Missed values are not from x axis.
In my data, values are missing in y axis. for some x value, some y values are not available/null/undefined
Please try checking that.
Hi Leninkumar,
We have ensured your reported scenario by setting y values as null in the chart. Chart tooltip template is displayed properly without any exception. The tested sample can be downloaded from the attached sample. Please find the below code snippet and screenshot of the sample for your reference.
UG: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/vue/documentation/chart/tool-tip
If you are still facing problem, please try to replicate an issue in attached sample or share us issue reproduced sample so that it will be helpful to validate this case further. Kindly revert us if you have any concerns.