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How to control size increments for layout panels?

I have a SfDashboardLayout with 3 panels.  The first panel, the contents are a bit too crowded, so I tried to increase the Y size from 1 to 2.  However, 2 is way too big, and if it is resizable, the jump from size 1 to 2 is really big.  Can't I control this?  I thought if I played around with the aspect ratio, that would help - so on the SfDashboardLayout there is a property CellAspectRatio, and I set it to a variable that I changed, but that didn't change what I thought.

Does anyone know how to affect the size increment from resizing, especially the Y size?

1 Reply

LD LeoLavanya Dhanaraj Syncfusion Team February 27, 2023 06:07 PM UTC

Hi Coda,

Greetings from Syncfusion support.

From your shared details, we understand that you are requesting information about the height of the Dashboard panels and the cellAspectRatio property. The Dashboard Layout is a grid structured component, that can be split into subsections of equal size known as "cells." The size of grid cells can be modified to the required size using the Columns and CellAspectRatio properties. So, you can set the sizeX and sizeY values to render the panel as per your requirements and adjust the height of the panel by using the cellAspectRatio property based on the screen resolutions.

For more information, check out the below-mentioned links.

Documentation : https://blazor.syncfusion.com/documentation/dashboard-layout/setting-size-of-cells

API reference : https://help.syncfusion.com/cr/blazor/Syncfusion.Blazor.Layouts.SfDashboardLayout.html#properties

Also, check the below mentioned code snippets for further assistance.

<SfDashboardLayout CellSpacing="@Spacing" Columns="5" CellAspectRatio="@Ratio" > …




    private double Ratio = 2;


If you are still having difficulty defining the dashboard layout structure, please share some additional information about your specific requirement with a pictorial representation or video footage. It will help us provide a prompt solution.


Leo Lavanya Dhanaraj

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