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how to hide time slot row from timeline views

I have some reason time slots not required for the schedler. only schedule for day and multiple items in one day

1 Reply

RV Ravikumar Venkatesan Syncfusion Team January 30, 2023 08:28 AM UTC

Hi Aneesh,

Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ej2-angular-schedule-disable-timescale?file=src%2Fapp.component.html

You can achieve your requirement by setting up the Schedule timeScale enable property to false as shown in the below code snippet.


<ejs-schedule #schedule height='650px' [(selectedDate)]="selectedDate" [eventSettings]="eventSettings" [timeScale]="timeScale">



export class AppComponent {

  public selectedDateDate = new Date(2021010);

  public timeScaleTimeScaleModel = { enable: false };



Ravikumar Venkatesan

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