Hello Syncfusion-Team,
In my Angular project I have built a dialog in which there are weekdays with timespans (two timepickers) displayed via NgFor for assigning opening hours of companies. The problem is that there are performance issues when many timepickers are being displayed.
I have rebuilt my dialog with the ngfor in this StackBlitz.
As you can see when you switch between "Item 2" and "Item 3" there are no performance issues. But when you switch back to "Item 1" there is a delay of 0.5-1sec. In my Angular app there even is a delay of 1-2 seconds, even when you open the dialog (only when there are
approximately more than 16 timepickers being displayed).
I know that the issue is because of the timepickers because I have tried to comment them out and then the switching between the items is very fast but as soon as there are many timepickers the performance is not that great.
Is there a way to improve the performance here?
Kind Regards,