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maximum limit in Datepicker within the schedule.


How do I put a maximum limit on the datepicker within the schedule. When placing the start date, I need the limit of the end date to be a maximum of 7 days.

3 Replies

RV Ravikumar Venkatesan Syncfusion Team January 12, 2023 04:55 PM UTC

Hi Alexandre,

Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ej2-angular-schedule-change-end-based-on-start?file=src%2Fapp.component.ts

You can achieve your requirement with help of the popupOpen event of the Schedule as shown in the below code snippet.


export class AppComponent {

  public onPopupOpen(argsPopupOpenEventArgs): void {

    if(args.type === 'Editor') {

      var startObj = (args.element.querySelector('.e-start.e-field'as EJ2Instance).ej2_instances[0];

      var endObj = (args.element.querySelector('.e-end.e-field'as EJ2Instance).ej2_instances[0];

      if(startObj && endObj) {

        startObj.change = (args=> {



        endObj.change = (args=> {








  public setLimit(startendendObj) {

    if((end.getTime() - start.getTime()) > 604800000 || end.getTime() < start.getTime()) {

      // Limit maximum end date time after 7 days from start time.

      endObj.value = addDays(start6);





Ravikumar Venkatesan

AL Alexandre January 12, 2023 08:04 PM UTC

To validate and block the days, not letting the user choose the date by the datepicker and writing it in the input

I want to put a validation if the user writes in the input a value above 7 days. Appearing the modal (dialog) informing about the limit of days allowed.

RV Ravikumar Venkatesan Syncfusion Team January 13, 2023 04:49 PM UTC

Hi Alexandre,

Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ej2-angular-schedule-start-end-validation?file=src%2Fapp.component.ts

UG: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/documentation/schedule/editor-template#field-validation

You can add validation to the editor window start and end time fields in the Schedule eventSettings fields property as shown in the below code snippet.


export class AppComponent {

  public eventSettingsEventSettingsModel = {

    dataSource: this.data,

    fields: {

      id: 'Id',

      startTime: { name: 'StartTime'validation: { required: truedate: [this.dateValidation'Maximum limit is 7 days'] } },

      endTime: { name: 'EndTime'validation: { required: truedate: [this.dateValidation'Maximum limit is 7 days'] } },




  public dateValidation(args): boolean {

    const start = (document.querySelector('#StartTime'as EJ2Instance).ej2_instances[0].value.getTime();

    const end = (document.querySelector('#EndTime'as EJ2Instance).ej2_instances[0].value.getTime();

    return (end - start) < 604800000;




Ravikumar Venkatesan

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