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Calculated Field with value of other Field

I want to multiply or divide Fields in Formula setting but I am unable to do so..

calculatedFieldSettings: [ { name: 'Total', formula: '"In_Stock"+"Sold"' }]

1 Reply

RG Rajeshkannah G Syncfusion Team December 16, 2022 01:22 PM UTC

Hi Jamshaid,

We have noticed that you missed to provide the aggregation type for the specific value fields while applying formula for Calculated Field. We advise you to add the aggregation type to the value fields in the calculated field formula. Please look at the below code example for reference.

Code Example

calculatedFieldSettings: [


        name: 'Total',

        formula: '"Sum(In_Stock)"*"Sum(Sold)"'


Meanwhile we have prepared you a sample for your reference.

Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-dcujl5?file=index.js

For more information on Calculated Field, please refer our UG documentation link below.

UG Document: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/react/documentation/pivotview/calculated-field/

With regards,

Rajeshkannah Gopalakrishnan

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