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No Record To Display


I have been trying for several days to solve this problem, but I could not. The problem is that when I use any component and then run the application, nothing appears with the browser but when in open the inspect but there is a dev contain the id and classes that built by you, but without any data in the div, even though I provided it with data from a local file, and I noticed that when I am creating a grid component there is  message that displays said no record to display, then disappears quickly, and sometimes the data appears unstyled and then disappears quickly, so I do not understand where the problem is, although I implemented the code exactly as the source is the JS mystery channel in this video:


Thank You.

Attachment: Syncfusion_a1d1f6f4.rar

1 Reply

RS Rajapandiyan Settu Syncfusion Team December 12, 2022 09:53 AM UTC

Hi Mahmoud

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

We have prepared a simple sample with your code and the Grid is rendered properly with the latest version. Please find the sample for your reference.

Sample: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/ze/React_Grid_coltemplate466795878.zip

Kindly share the below details to proceed further on this.

  1. Share the video demo of the reported problem.
  2. Did you import and loaded the data & columns properly to the Grid?
  3. Are you facing the issue only with Grid component or both the Grid and Chart components?
  4. Have you referred the Syncfusion CSS properly in your project? (https://ej2.syncfusion.com/react/documentation/grid/getting-started/#adding-css-reference)
  5. Are you facing any script errors while rendering the Grid? Bind the actionFailure event to the Grid and let us know if you face any exceptions or errors in that event.


   function actionFailure (args) {




  1. If possible, share the reproducible sample, which will be very helpful in resolving earlier.


Rajapandiyan S

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