the sfcircularProgressBar seems not to work correctly.
The circle stucks at about 75% ~ 270°
Please find below some Screenshots and the xaml code example.
(Please ignore the number in the inner circle - the lable was not binded during the screenhots)
50 %
75 %
<progressBar:SfCircularProgressBar Grid.Row="1" TrackColor="WhiteSmoke" Grid.ColumnSpan="4"
IndicatorInnerRadius="0.8" ShowProgressValue="False"
<progressBar:RangeColor IsGradient="True" Color="#FFFFFF" Start="0" End="0.25"/>
<progressBar:RangeColor IsGradient="True" Color="#DDDCDC" Start="0.25" End="0.50"/>
<progressBar:RangeColor IsGradient="True" Color="#703890" Start="0.50" End="0.75"/>
<progressBar:RangeColor IsGradient="True" Color="#92c04f" Start="0.75" End="2.00"/>
<Label Text="100 %" FontAttributes="Bold" FontSize="Large" TextColor="DarkGray" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" />
Hi Robert,
We were able to reproduce the issue “Progress value is not updated properly while binding the value in CircularProgressBar UWP” from our side and we suspect this to be a defect.
We have prepared sample based on your provided information and it can be downloaded from below link,
Steps to reproduce the issue:
Run the sample in UWP platform.
Click the ‘Apply 75 ProgressValue’ button and the progress value updated properly.
Click the ‘Apply 100 ProgressValue’ button and the progress value is not updated.
Could you please
confirm us whether the reported issue is the same as what you have mentioned in
your update?
If yes, we will check
and update you further details on 06th December 2022. Or else could
you please modify the sample which we shared above? It will be useful
for us to investigate further on this and assist
you with the better solution at the earliest.
With Regards,
Gayathri R
sorry for not mention it. My App is running on Android and should work on IOS soon.
Currently UWP is not used.
Kind regards,
I found the difference and the cause of error.
In your example you adopt the RangeColors :
//RangeColorCollection rangeColors = new RangeColorCollection();
//rangeColors.Add(new RangeColor() { Color = Color.FromHex("FF0000"), Start = 0, End = 0.25 });
//rangeColors.Add(new RangeColor() { Color = Color.FromHex("DDDCDC"), Start = 0.25, End = 0.45 });
//rangeColors.Add(new RangeColor() { Color = Color.FromHex("703890"), Start = 0.45, End = 0.6 });
//rangeColors.Add(new RangeColor() { Color = Color.FromHex("92c04f"), Start = 0.6, End = 0.75 });
//CustomContentCircularProgressBar.RangeColors = rangeColors;
This should not be necessary?!
Disable (comment out) the new RangeColors in c# and it does not work.
Use only the definition in xaml:
<progressBar:RangeColor IsGradient="True" Color="#FF0000" Start="0" End="0.25"/>
<progressBar:RangeColor IsGradient="True" Color="#DDDCDC" Start="0.25" End="0.50"/>
<progressBar:RangeColor IsGradient="True" Color="#703890" Start="0.50" End="0.75"/>
<progressBar:RangeColor IsGradient="True" Color="#92c04f" Start="0.75" End="1.00"/>
thank y
Hi Robert,
We were able to reproduce the issue “Progress value is not updated properly while binding the value in CircularProgressBar Android." in our side and we suspect this to be a defect. We will update further details by 07th December 2022.
With Regards,
Gayathri R
We have confirmed that the issue with "Progress value is not updated properly while binding the value in CircularProgressBar Android". is a defect and have logged a defect report for this issue. The patch for this issue will be delivered on 21st December 2022.
Feedback Link: https://www.syncfusion.com/feedback/39643/progress-value-is-not-updated-properly-while-binding-the-value-in
Disclaimer: “Inclusion of this solution in the weekly release may change due to other factors including but not limited to QA checks and works reprioritization.”
We have resolved the issue ” Progress value is not updated properly while binding the value in CircularProgressBar Android"” and prepared custom test patch and please find the custom NuGet for the same from below,
Custom NuGet: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/ze/CustomNuget360156358
Kindly follow the steps mentioned in the below link to configure the custom NuGet package,
Note: Please note that we have created this NuGet for version specifically to resolve the following issue(s) reported in this/the Forum.