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How to disable grid row select/deselect for specific rows


I want to disable  rows in my grid based on certain condition.

User should not be able to select/deselect row on mouse click.

Please suggest how to achieve this.



2 Replies

VB Vinitha Balasubramanian Syncfusion Team June 22, 2022 05:24 PM UTC

Hi Sanjay Singh,

Currently we are working your query and we will update further details on June 23 2022.

Until then we appreciate your patience.


Vinitha Balasubramanian

VB Vinitha Balasubramanian Syncfusion Team June 24, 2022 06:06 PM UTC

Hi Sanjay Singh,

Thanks for the patience.

We have analyzed your query, you want to disable the row data in Grid. We have achieved your requirement using rowDataBound event and rowSelecting event.

On rowDataBound event, we get particular data(OrderID) in the Grid and add the CSS class (‘e-disabled’) to disable the particular row. Also to prevent checkbox selection in the disabled checkbox while clicking the header checkbox, we have used the rowSelecting event using this event we have selected only the rows which does not contain the (‘e-disabled’) CSS class.

Kindly refer the below code and sample for your reference.


rowDataBound(args) {

    if (args.data['OrderID'] === 10248 || args.data['OrderID'] === 10256) {



  rowSelecting(args) {

    if (args.data['OrderID'] === 10248 || args.data['OrderID'] === 10256) {

      args.cancel = true;


    if (args.rowIndexes.length > 1) {

      var index = [];

      args.rowIndexes.filter((rowIndex=> {

        if (


        ) {





        args.rowIndexes.splice(args.rowIndexes.indexOf(p), 1)




Sample link : https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-x29sey?file=app.component.ts,app.component.html,data.ts

Documentation link : https://ej2.syncfusion.com/documentation/api/grid/#rowdatabound


Please get back to us if you need further assistance on this.


Vinitha Balasubramanian

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