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TypeError: Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of null


The issue I am experiencing looks similar to (see link below), except I am using the angular 2+ diagrams component.


It only occurs during initialisation. "some of the time" on different diagrams of a varying number of nodes and connectors.

Using the following version. "@syncfusion/ej2-angular-diagrams": "^19.1.57",

I've attached the stack trace.

Many thanks in advance.


Simon O'Brien

Attachment: Capture_cc24292b.zip

1 Reply

AM Arunkumar Manoharan Syncfusion Team July 12, 2021 02:54 PM UTC

Hi Simon, 
on the further analysis of the shared details, we have created a sample, in that sample we created a button call to destroy the diagram and refreshed the diagram, when we destroy and refresh the diagram, we found it working fine. we couldn’t be able to replicate your issue on our end. so, we have attached our working sample please check it and replicate your working steps in it so that we can be able to serve you better. For more information, please refer to the below sample link and our replication video. 

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