> I met a few questions when I use datagrid.
> 1.When I use dataview as a datasource instead of dataset. The tablestyle property doesn't work.
> So how to customer each column style as I wanted.
> 2. If I use dataset/data table as a datasource. I can define the table style for the grid. However, i couldn't control the new row. I hope i can add a new row by program instead of appear automatically. Is there a way to prevent the newrow appear?
first set the addnew property of the defaultview to false before binding the datagrid to the datatable. like this:
dtDataTable.DefaultView.AddNew = False
dgDataGrid.DataSource = dtDataTable
> 3. Is there a way to write multiple lines in the column header?
i'm not sure
> 4. When double click the mouse while the mouse cursor is in between two rows (resize the row heights). There is always an out of index exception. how to prevent that?
if you find the answer let me know :) at
[email protected]
> Thanks