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RichTExtEditor throws NullReferenceException when adding or editing hyperlink information

Hi, please find the below repro steps for this problem:
  • In RichTextEditor, select a text (optional step). 

  • Click on the hyperlink button in the toolbar: the "Insert Link" popup appears.

  • Then either click on the entry below "URL" or the one below "Display text".

  • Both throw a NullReferenceException. It is impossible to enter anything.
This happens on Xamarin Forms with version of the control.

The markup is pretty straightforward:

                <richtexteditor:SfRichTextEditor VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" 
                                             PlaceHolder="Enter some text"

Thank you for your support

10 Replies

DS Devaraj Sekar Syncfusion Team March 30, 2020 11:02 AM UTC

Hi Gary, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
The mentioned issue “Hyperlink option crash on SfRichTextEdtior” works as expected from our side. We have prepared a sample based on the mentioned requirement, which can be downloaded from the below link. 
Kindly provide us the detailed information about the issue reproducing scenario, Xamarin forms version used at design level or modify the provided sample to reproduce the exact scenario which will be helpful for us to provide a prompt solution at earliest. 
Devaraj S 

GA Gary April 1, 2020 11:00 AM UTC

Hi Devaraj,

Thanks for your answer.

The problem actually happens on Android Pie (v. 9) in those conditions chen using a xamarin shell application.

It disappears when removing the code "Window.SetSoftInputMode(Android.Views.SoftInput.AdjustResize);" from MainActivity.cs, but when doing that it is now the Syncfusion Autocomplete that does not work as excepted: the suggestion popup no longer shows up. 

So that solution is not acceptable, as many components require this line of code to be there.


DS Devaraj Sekar Syncfusion Team April 2, 2020 01:51 PM UTC

Hi Gary, 
Thank you for the update. 
We have enabled SoftInputKey in MainActivity class to place the toolbar in appropriate position while raising the keypad from device. Also, we did not suggest removing the SoftInputKey from our end. We have prepared a video illustration based on the mentioned information which can be downloaded from the below link. 
Kindly provide us details information about the exact issue reproducing scenario or modify the provided sample to reproduce the issue which will be helpful for us to provide a prompt solution at earliest. 
Devaraj S 

GA Gary April 2, 2020 11:06 PM UTC

Hi Devaraj,

I attached a sample solution reproducing the problem.
It was done on Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 by creating a mobile application (Xamarin forms) and then chosing the "Shell" template.

The rich text editor has been added on the About Page (Views\AboutPage.xaml).

The problem occured on a Honor 10 mobile phone, did not try on an emulator but it might also happen there.

GA Gary April 2, 2020 11:07 PM UTC

Hi again Devaraj, 

I was not sure whether the file was correctly attached so I attached it again in this post.

Best regards,

Attachment: HyperLinkSample2_837ec0b.zip

DS Devaraj Sekar Syncfusion Team April 3, 2020 01:11 PM UTC

Hi Gary, 
Thank you for the update. 
We were able to reproduce the mentioned issue with “Hyperlink option crash on SfRichTextEdtior” and suspect this to be a defect. We will update you further details on 7th April 2020. 
Devaraj S 

DS Devaraj Sekar Syncfusion Team April 7, 2020 11:53 AM UTC

Hi Gary, 
Thank you for the patience. 
We confirmed that the issue with “Hyperlink option crash on SfRichTextEdtior” is a defect and we have logged a defect report. The fix for this issue will be included in our next weekly NuGet release which is estimated to be available on 14th April 2020 tentatively. 
Devaraj S 

GA Gary April 12, 2020 10:14 PM UTC

Hi Devaraj,

That is good news to ear. I'll be waiting for this release.

Regards, Gary

DS Devaraj Sekar Syncfusion Team April 13, 2020 03:14 AM UTC

Hi Gary, 
Thank you for the update. 
We will let you know once the weekly NuGet has been released. 
Devaraj S 

DS Devaraj Sekar Syncfusion Team April 15, 2020 02:50 AM UTC

Hi Gary, 
Thank you for the patience. 
The mentioned issue has been fixed and generated a custom NuGet for the fix, which can be downloaded from the below link. 
The fix will be included in our upcoming weekly NuGet which is estimated to be available on 21st April 2020 tentatively. 
(Note: The SfPopLayout dll referred in the sample project needs to be replaced with the provided custom generated patch). 
Kindly let us know if you require any further assistance. 
Devaraj S 

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