I have a stacked chart, that shows the last 7 days of data.
If i show the axis as "text" it puts the values as text i.e. 03/02/2020 , 04/02/2020 , 05/02/2020 , 29/01/2020, 30/01/2020, 31/01/2020
If i set the axis as Dateformat it correctly orders it, but it includes dates where no data exists.
Picture attached.
How do i set the chart to not include these?
(example here is 01/02/2020 & 02/02/2020)
Code used:
Me.cht_Last7Days.PrimaryXAxis.ValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime
Me.cht_Last7Days.PrimaryXAxis.DateTimeFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"
Me.cht_Last7Days.PrimaryXAxis.DateTimeRange = New ChartDateTimeRange(StartDate, StartDate.AddDays(6), 1, ChartDateTimeIntervalType.Days)